(Entire Prayer to be found at https://www.divinetruth.com/www/en/html/index.htm#prayer.htm)
“…and the object of Thy soul’s great love and tenderest care.”
It feels like a dizzying ride. One moment I’m one of billions of created souls, not to mention the rest of the universe, and the next moment it’s just me and God. And it’s not that I’m under scrutiny; it’s that I’m being loved (with Great Love), or at least being found lovable.
There is a difference. If I don’t feel that I am lovable, I close myself off to being loved. It’s the same thing as, while I firmly believe that I will never be able to swim the length of the swimming pool, I will never do it. The problem is with me, not with God (or the swimming pool).
How do I open myself to real love? How do I let down my protective shell and expose myself to what I suspect will be a very vulnerable condition? I’ve done this in the past and it’s been painful. Why would I want to try again?
I jumped in the deep end of the swimming pool when I was a kid and it was cold and wet and water went up my nose and I felt like I was drowning… but other people seemed to be having fun, floating and swimming about. They looked happy.
I think, similarly, the deeply happy, and inspiring, among us are also vulnerable, have learned to swim through what we call love but isn’t really rather than drown in it, and learned to give and receive something real.
The words “… and tenderest care.” in the phrase, “Thy soul’s great love and tenderest care,” is perhaps a starting point. It’s ok to be a bit vulnerable when it comes with such tender care.
For to His angels, He’s given a command
To guard you in all of your ways
Upon their hands they will bear you up
Lest you dash your foot against a stone
And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings
Bear you on the breath of dawn
Make you to shine like the sun
And hold you in the palm of His hand.
(From the hymn “On Eagles’ Wings” by Michael Joncas)