Thursday, July 14, 2016

Reflection on The Prayer (4)

(Entire Prayer to be found at

“I am (we are) the greatest of Thy creation, the most wonderful of Thy handiworks…”

Sounds arrogant? It can’t be denied though, that the complexity of human thought, emotion, and ability to reason is far greater than that of any other living thing. Arrogance is only an issue when we start comparing ourselves to other humans, and the phrase ‘we are the greatest…’ leaves no room for that.

Why is this phrase in the Prayer at all?  To me, it suggests that if we start to contemplate the wonder and complexity of our own selves, it flows from there that God, who created us, is more complex than all of us put together.

Following on from “…not the sinful, subservient creature…” in the previous phrase, it also emphasises the way that we are seen by God - as wonderful. Who could wish for a more doting parent, and who could be afraid?

I grew up with a fear of God’s wrath that does not dissipate so easily though. Just telling myself that I am the greatest of God’s creation is no more than a mantra, with no long-term effect. I need to let it sink in, to a place where I can feel the possibility of this truth in me. Again, I find that music helps. This song, in Joe Cocker’s famous voice, tells me movingly of God’s feelings for me.

You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me

You are so beautiful
To me

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