Saturday, October 8, 2016

Reflection on The Prayer (7)

(Entire Prayer to be found at

“…and partake of thy great love, which thou has bestowed in thy mercy…”

I am moved by the idea of a deep friendship, as described by Jesus in his commentary on The Prayer:

“In this way our relationship with our Father has a similarity to a deep friendship with another person. Within a deep friendship, each individual, if they desire the friendship and come to know each other well, will understand the feelings of the other. This is the way we come to “know” the individual with whom we are friends. In addition, if both are growing at a similar pace, and are open to change and truth, then the friendship and love will become stronger and deeper as time progresses.” 
Later he writes:
“But, His Personal Love is such that it cannot flow to a soul that does not desire and long for a personal relationship with Him. For Him to force His Love into a soul that does not wish to possess His Love, or does not wish to possess it to a greater degree than that condition present within it, He would have to break His Own Laws of Truth and Love and overcome that soul’s Free Will, which He would never do … 
… Truth and God’s Love are mutually inclusive. God’s Love can only continue to flow into a soul that removes error from itself, or allows error to be removed from itself, and is desirous for and learns to practice Truth. 
But, in this we need to be aware that we can accept the truth within our mind, but our soul may be feeling another belief, so I must emphasise that it is the soul’s beliefs that allow the reception of God’s Love, and not the mind. This is a very important point to understand if we wish to grow in the Love of Our Father.”
(From Jesus’ commentary on the Prayer for Divine Love)
And from John Denver:

Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself and don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through

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